This is part three of sharing how I organize my craft room. I hope you've been able to glean some ideas from what I've shared so far and will find today's post helpful if even in a small way. Click on the links to see the first two installments Part One and Part Two.
Today I'll show you how I organize my card stock and designer papers. Most of my card stock is in 8.5 x 11 size but I do have some in the 12 x 12 and all of the designer papers are in 12 x 12.
The 8.5 x 11 cardstock I organize by color group, Brights, Regals, Neutrals and Subltes. As I've said before using exclusively Stampin' Up! makes organizing a lot easier and I must say I have never had trouble coming up with the colors and patterns I needed to make something I wanted to make.That being said, I used magazine holders to hold the 8.5 x 11 card stock. The holders sit on their side on a shelf I found at a yard sale for $10 dollars.

I took one gallon zip lock bags and cut the closing end off and made sleeves that would hold the open pack of card stock. The bag is wider than it needs to be so I just fold it over and use packing tape to keep it in place. I can then write the color name on the bag and I attach the color card to the front as well. That way when I pull out a color to use I can see what suggestions for matching and coordinating colors are recommended to use with that color.

This works well for me because the bags have room for those pesky scraps that I always have. I just re-insert the smaller pieces back into the bag making sure they stay to the front side. Then when I pull the bag off the shelf I can see there are smaller pieces that could be used if they work. Much less waste and no digging through a huge drawer of scraps trying to find one in the color I need. I've been there and done that, never again!
For the card stock that doesn't have a color group, metallics, white, vanilla, black, naturals ivory and white, Shimmer, vellum, and such. I put those in drawers on the shelves below and all the drawers are marked so it's easy to see which one to open.

For the 12 x 12 I have holders that are no longer available, sorry. They work really well and maybe there is something out there similar. My dear hubby built a stair step frame to sit a second and third holder on so they are tiered and each sleeve has a label and again they are in alphabetical order so they are easy to find.

Lastly, there are those wonderful 4 x 6 designer paper stacks. For those I made mini magazine holders and they work perfectly.

Now onto embellishments. I don't use a lot of 3D embellishments because I like to make my cards mailable. But, I do have a few that I like. I have the rhinestones, pearls, candy dots, glimmer brads, silver brads, and a few others. I have two different storage solutions for these.
The Rhinestones, Pearls, Candy Dots, Small Paper Doilies are all placed in Clear Mount or Wood Mount stamp cases. A label on the spine tells me what is in them and then they sit perfetly on a shelf or in a drawer. I like the wood mount cases for this because there is room for mulitple packages and all those little left over pieces that never get quite used up.

For those smaller embellishments like brads, confetti and such I bought the magnetic spice containers from Costco. Shelf space becomes a premium even in my ample size room so my dear hubby attached a piece of sheet metal to the wall above my paper shelf and these magnetic based containers attach really well. The lids stay on really well too. And an added perk, the lids turn to open a small slot for pouring out spices. Well, they work really well for pouring out just a little bit of confetti or a brad or two too. Of course the lids do come off if needed. I label the top the container so it's easy to grab the one I need.

Whew! That's it for today. I'll be back with another installment in a few days so stay tuned. Next on my list are my tools and supplies.
Hope you found something useful today. If you did I'd love to hear from you.