Why do I blog? I blog because I like to share what I do and I think it's good enough to share. At least as good as some, maybe not as good as others but good enough to believe I have something to share.
It isn't totally about an ego trip, although I'd be lying if I didn't admit that there is some of that in my motivation. It fuels my creative energy when someone says they enjoy something I've made. It makes me happy when someone wants to copy something I've made.
It isn't only about finding customers who will support me although that is a piece of the reason. I am a Stampin' Up! demonstrator. I really like their products and they work great for what I do. I need customers to buy through me so I can finance future creative endeavors.
It IS about sharing. I LOVE what I do. I LOVE making, creating, designing and SHARING beautiful things with others. I LOVE offering ideas and inspiration to others to find their creative niche and nurture it.
I'm not so good at selling but I am good at paper crafting. I'm good at it and I get a tremendous amount of joy out of it. I'm not too worried about keeping up with the latest products or trends. Mainly I just want to share what I do.
So, if that appeals to you, sign up for my blog or follow me. I'd love to have you on board and I'd love to have you share what I do with your friends and invite them to follow me too. The more the merrier.
And when I share I want you to share too. Post your comments. They don't always have to be positive. You can make suggestions. You can also share what you did with the inspiration you received from me I would love to see what you're doing too.
You won't see daily posts from me, you might not even see weekly posts because I post when I've been inspired to make something and that doesn't happen every day. My creative moments seem to come in spurts where I will make several things and then not make anything at all for several days.
So, I hope that helps you understand where I'm coming from and what you can expect from me. I hope to see that you've joined me here.
More to come - more to share -