The Beauty of The Written Word
Our world is consumed with all things high tech. Ipads, Smart Phones, computers, email and internet. Social Networking sites like Twitter, MySpace and Facebook are used to keep us up to date on the latest goings on with family, friends, business contacts and more. But with all this “connectedness” are we sacrificing the personal?
Think about this. Your birthday is coming and you receive greetings in the mail. There is one there from your dentist or optometrist. They are obviously store bought, printed greetings and amongst the stack is an envelope with your address hand written. I’ll bet that all those store bought greetings get lain aside and the one with the handwritten address gets opened first. Just looking at the envelope you linger for a moment, probably smiling at the name of the person who sent it. Then, you open the envelope, usually with care because you instinctively know it is special. You pull out the card and a sense of peacefulness and relaxation flows over you as you read the words. The words inside are handwritten too and you are touched by them even if there are only a few because you know it took time to write that note, address that envelope and mail that card, to you.
Oh, I understand the convenience of technological communication but I believe we have lost something. Texts and email exchanges won’t ever be treasured like a hand written note will be. Once read they are categorized , filed or deleted to clear the way for the next batch to come through. Hand written notes can be kept, savored and treasured for a life time or beyond.
I believe people enjoy receiving handmade greeting cards and when you handwrite something inside as well it becomes even more special. I get told all the time by those I send cards to that they keep every one of them because they are so beautiful and special. I have kept many of the cards I have received and sometimes pull them out and re-read them. It is an encouragement to me to be reminded of the extra effort that was made on my behalf.
Handmade cards convey to those receiving them that they are valued and special. You can make your own hand made cards or purchase them from someone else who makes them. That way you are supporting a craft, giving something more personal and thoughtful and saving money.
January 23rd is National Handwriting Day. Take the opportunity to pick up a pen, pencil, crayon or whatever is handy and write someone a note or a letter. Don’t worry about it being perfect, just make it personal. I guarantee it will be well received.
Want to know more about making handmade cards? Subscribe to my blog and watch for upcoming workshops where you can make some of your own. I have a Valentine Class coming up on Monday, January 27th. You can go here to find out more, but hurry the class is filling up!