My husband and I like to re-purpose things. Make something new and beautiful out of items others would normally throw away. My husband works with metal so most of his items are done with that medium like this Kokopelli Sun he made.
The edge is a the rim from a wooden spoke wagon wheel we dug up in our yard. The wood spokes had rotted away leaving the rim. The sun was cut from the worn out pad on a commercial concrete finishing tool. These are quite large round flat circles of metal so we could cut the sun and the Kokopelli all from one piece. It resides in my garden in the back yard and I just love it.
Recently I was checking out yard sales to see what kinds of treasures I could find to re-purpose when I came across this stopper from a glass decanter.
Just to pretty to pass up for only .50 cents I bought it.
A little later I found four mirror coasters with beveled edges for only $1.00 so I grabbed the up too.
On the way home I was admiring my finds and an idea came into my head. Why not make a tealight holder with the mirror in the back the stopper in the front and a tealight in between. I had a lovely block of wood I'd saved so then it was just a matter of figuring out how to mount the pieces.
This is where help from dear hubby came in. He helped me cut the holes for the various pieces.
So you can see the stopper fit in the front slot, the tealight in the center and the corner of the mirror fit in the slot in the back and when it is all put together this is what you get.
Add a color changing tea light and ...
So while I primarily work with paper it's fun sometimes to change things up a bit and explore other options. I hope you enjoyed today's post.