Well, it probably isn't time for snow yet but I'm busy making centerpieces for January so snowmen are on my list. Today I made some snowmen using the Snowman with Mitten and 3D canister, item #72717 by Snapdragon Snippets and found in the Silhouette Store.
These guys are fairly easy to make and they are super cute too. They can be a box that could be filled with candies or a special gift because the hat comes off.
I didn't use the mitten, didn't like the way it looked. AND, I just couldn't make a 3D snowman and have a flat nose so I made a 3D nose too. To make the nose I used the Pyramid Box item #92441 from the Silhouette Store. I downsized it to the proper size then used the eraser tool to remove the lid and added two flaps to the sections that didn't have one. The edit points won't work on this file so that is why I had to use the eraser. I then built my own flaps and lined them up. I also erased the tab edge and made it wider so it would be easier to put them together. Once that was all done I just grouped it all together.
A couple of hints:
- Be sure when you attached the hat inset piece that you pay attention to lining it up with the hat correctly so the flat side of the hat will face the flat front of the snow man body. I forgot to do that on one of mine and the hat sat crooked and looked rather funky,
- There are narrow rings of cardstock that are supposed to be inserted in the top and bottom of the canister to strengthen it and hold it in shape. They are a bear to glue in place! I found that if I glued two of the rings together and made them stronger first they inserted much easier and worked really well.
Well, I hope my post doesn't leave you with the chills.