I've been a Silhouette Cameo user since they were first introduced. I was on the pre-buy list because I already had the Silhouette SD and LOVED it! I knew this was going to be a big step in my paper crafting. Because it was so new there wasn't a lot of help around to assist in figuring out all the little ins and outs of using it. So I stumbled my way along and through much trial and error I learned a lot of simple things that now make using the Silhouette Cameo even more satisfying.
I've been asked by many about different situations they have run into and how best to handle them and from that I have put together a list of things that I believe will help new users navigate through the learning curve much more quickly than I did.
As with any learning experience I've discovered that I always seem to learn something new from even the most basic presentations so I encourage all Silhouette Cameo users to take a look.
I am making this compilation available to anyone who subscribes to my blog. Current subscribers can request a copy via . New subscribers will automatically receive it in their email box once I've received their subsciption notice.
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Once you've received it and looked it over I would love to receive your comments on what you thought of it and if you have anything you think would be helpful to add.
Kate Creasey
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